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Alternatives to Traditional Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have revolutionised the options for medical aesthetics, but the idea of ‘pumping up the volume’ isn’t for everyone. The good news is, advanced practitioners like Dr Barbara Kubicka at Clinicbe Skin of Colour have a raft of other solutions to offer.

Dermal fillers have a number of advantages – they’re quick to administer, safe and reliable. The concept is simple – adding volume into the skin for a rejuvenating effect. Results are instantly visible, and they’re now affordable for many people.

However, they are not necessarily the best solution for everyone. Much depends on patient preferences as well as what kind of result they are trying to achieve.

While fillers are widely available due to lack of regulation surrounding practitioners, the more advanced and medically qualified practitioners may be able to offer alternative solutions.

Dr Barbara Kubicka at Clinicbe Skin of Colour offers a range of injectable treatments that could give longer-lasting benefit and a superbly natural-looking result.

The new breed of injectable treatments don’t add volume but instead stimulate the skin to produce more of its own stores of collagen.

Collagen adds the firmness, smoothness and texture to the skin but production slows with age and can lead to lines, wrinkles and loose or saggy skin. Restoring collagen supplies reverses this for younger-looking skin. Collagen-stimulating injectable treatments now available at Clinicbe Skin of Colour include:

  • Radiesse
  • Ellanse
  • Sculptra

Dr Kubicka explains:

“Darker skin is more prone to the effects of ageing. Injectable treatments designed to stimulate collagen production are a safe and practical way of turning back the clock while rejuvenating your skin.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Skin Assessment

The first step is to properly understand the nature of the problem.

At Clinicbe Skin of Colour, consultations include assessment of relevant medical history and a detailed examination of the skin.

Visia Skin Assessment

In addition, Clinicbe Skin of Colour have a Visia 3D Skin imaging system which can be used to reveal unseen detail on issues such as lines and wrinkles. This helps to determine the best approach for treatment.

Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Clinicbe Skin of Colour offers a range of services for clients with skin of colour, including skin treatments, acne and hair loss. Pigmentation problems are a particular specialism for Dr Barbara Kubicka.

The clinic is based in Knightsbridge, London – easily accessible from Chelsea, Belgravia, Mayfair and Kensington.

To learn more or book an appointment, please contact our team:

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