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Jawline Contouring

When it comes to facial aesthetics, the jawline sets the tone for the whole face.

A soft, more oval-shaped feminine jawline is something that women may desire to look younger and feel more confident; while men tend to prefer a strong, square and masculine profile.

Surgery is risky and expensive, but aesthetic treatments can reshape the jawline with a significantly lower recovery time and cost.

How does jawline contouring work?

There are a number of options for jawline contouring, depending on the desired result. 

  • BOTOX® injections

    Injected in both sides of your jaw, BOTOX® will relax the masseter (main jawline muscle), gradually making it less prominent and square-shaped. The width of your jaw will also narrow, making your face look more oval. Touch-up injections may be needed to maintain the new shape of the jaw.

  • Dermal Fillers

    Loose or drooping areas around the jaw can also make you look older than you actually are. Dermal fillers can be a part of your jawline contouring treatment to give certain areas around the jawline more fullness and volume, giving you a vibrant and youthful appearance.
    Dermal fillers also work well to make a receding or weak jawline look fuller and more balanced.

What does jawline contouring treat?

Any client with loose or sagging skin around the jawline or a  jaw that lacks definition is a good candidate for the treatment.

“At Clinicbe, we completely understand how important the jawline is in the context of facial beauty and balance. We can also relate to the fact that a weak or receding jawline can make a person appear older too.

“By combining dermal fillers and BOTOX® injections, we are able to provide a unique jawline contouring treatment which gives clients with skin of colour just the right jawline features to complement the rest of their facial features.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


Jawline contouring costs from £380, depending on the treatment(s) used. 

Treatment time

From 15 minutes for administering treatment. However, there is always a detailed consultation beforehand.  


You can resume day-to-day activities after just 4 hours. 


  • Do not touch the treated area for at least 6 hours
  • Avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medication for 48 hours
  • Avoid exposure to extremely warm or cold climate
  • Use a gentle cleanser on your face
  • Strenuous exercise is to be avoided for 48 hours
  • Avoid lying down for at least 4 hours
  • Do not rub or massage the site immediately after the procedure