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Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping

Depending on genetics, cultural background and injury history, the human nose can take a variety of shapes. Few of us are naturally blessed with a small and symmetrical nose while – most of us have some issues with the proportion, profile and symmetry of our noses.

Non-surgical nose reshaping is an exciting alternative for clients who are interested in improving nasal aesthetics without having to go under the knife. Improvements in dermal filler injections mean that it is now possible to have the nose reshaped in a safe and effective way.

How does non-surgical nose reshaping work?

The process uses advanced and longer-lasting dermal filler injections to reshape the nose.

This can improve the shape, symmetry, profile and relationship between the nose and the rest of the face. 

None of the nuisances that are typically associated with a surgical rhinoplasty such as nose bleeds or long-term swelling are present in a non-surgical nose job.

What does the non-surgical nose job treat?

Having your nose reshaped without surgery is a quick and near-painless process. In just a matter of minutes, you can have your nose reshaped to:

  • smooth out bumps,
  • correct mild deviations,
  • refine the shape of the tip,
  • correct imperfections resulting from an injury or fracture,
  • raise the bridge of the nose so that it seamlessly blends in with the rest of your face
“Many clients with skin of colour complain about their nose not looking right or being too prominent – many have been reluctant to take a chance on surgical nose reshaping – well, there is an alternative and it works.

“Dermal filler injections have transformed the way we think about improving the shape of the nose.

“Advanced fillers can be quickly injected into the desired area with minimal to no discomfort. The difference is immediate.

“It’s so quick that it is sometimes referred to as a ‘lunchtime treatment’ – clients can literally go right back to work or your daily activities after walking out of our clinic.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


The procedure starts at £400. 

Treatment time

In 60 minutes or less, your nose can be reshaped as per your preferences. 


A recovery time of 1-5 days can be expected for swelling to fully subside. 


  • Do not touch your nose for at least 6 hours
  • Gently wash with soap and water
  • Makeup can be applied 6 hours following the treatment
  • Exposure to intense heat or cold should be avoided until swelling completely subsides