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Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections

Aqualyx is a revolutionary non-surgical fat reduction procedure suitable for both the face and body. It offers a relatively safer and more cost-effective alternative to surgical fat reduction procedures such as liposuction.

Aqualyx solutions are injected directly into stubborn fat areas to break them down and kick-start the fat loss process in those specific trouble spots, both around the face and on the body.

How do Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections work?

Aqualyx injections contain a specially formulated type of deoxycholic acid which is injected directly into pockets of fat. This effectively breaks down stubborn fat within the skin, where it is safely expelled through the body’s own metabolic processes 

What do Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections treat?

Aqualyx injections are ideal for targeting stubborn fat areas.

The non-surgical procedure annihilates fat in problem areas such as the knees, upper arms, under the chin, hips, thighs and buttocks, lower tummy area, etc. 

“Over the years, many clients have walked into my clinic, complaining about the inability to lose fat in trouble areas, despite following a sound diet, lifestyle and exercise regimen.

“For physiological reasons, some ethnicities are more prone than others to gaining fat in specific areas, which can be hard to lose.

“For anyone struggling with pockets of fat, Aqualyx injections really are a safe and cost-effective way to target that fat.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


Prices may vary depending on the area you wish to get treated. Generally, a session of injections costs from £600. 

Treatment time

Treatment duration is approximately 60 minutes,although this will depend on the area(s) being treated.


There’s virtually no downtime after getting an Aqualyx injection – you can go about your daily activities as soon as you walk out of our clinic. However, noticeable redness and swelling can persist for 1-5 days, so it is wise to time your treatment accordingly if you are concerned about people noticing. 


  • The positive results of Aqualyx injections should last you well into the years; however, it is highly recommended that you follow a healthy diet, active lifestyle and regular exercise regimen.
  • A sedentary lifestyle along with bad eating habits can surely make you gain weight in the same trouble spots.