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Mesotherapy Injections

Mesotherapy is a procedure which incorporates a series of tiny injection to deliver carefully chosen substances to the mid layer of the skin. 

Mesotherapy can be used to refresh, tighten and rejuvenate the skin, as well as remove unwanted fat.

It can be specifically used to counter a variety of skin related problems such as tightening loose skin, lightening skin pigmentation, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing cellulite and removing fat from problem areas such as the belly, buttocks, hips, thighs, arms and face.

How does mesotherapy work?

Fine needles are used to deliver multiple injections in the mesodermal (middle) layer of the skin.

Depending on the kind of skin treatment required, injections may be administered to individual areas to either tighten the skin, reduce discolouration or burn away excess fat. 

What does mesotherapy treat?

Mesotherapy injections are a very versatile treatment option.

They can be used to treat multiple skin issues including those caused by inflammation and poor circulation.

Mesotherapy can treat many skin of colour problems too, such as dark circles below or around the eyes, skin damaged from too much exposure to the sun, tight and dry skin, stretch marks, cellulite, etc.

“Mesotherapy injections are small but powerful and can be used to treat a range of skin issues that women and men of colour might face.

“Depending on the kind of treatment you need and the area that requires attention, we will select the most appropriate injection solution and technique to deliver a visible improvement.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


Mesotherapy Injections start at £250. 

Treatment time

The treatment can be completed within 60 minutes. 


In about 1-3 days, you can resume your everyday activities. 


  • Avoid washing the treated area for at least 8 hours
  • Vigorous exercise should be avoided for at least 48 hours
  • Keep water intake higher than normal for up to a week to keep well hydrated
  • Avoid stepping out in the sun for at least 48 hours – if you must, wear an SPF40 or higher sunscreen
  • Gently massage the treated area 5 minutes each day, 5 times per day for up to 5 days
  • Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum or avoid altogether if possible