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PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatment – a procedure which has been used for many years to heal sports injuries – is now a popular treatment for curing scars, wrinkles, dark circles around the eyes, and skin damaged from too much sun.

The procedure involves drawing the patient’s own blood and injecting it back into the bloodstream through a highly specialised process. Many celebrities have opted for a platelet rich plasma treatment to refresh or rejuvenate their looks.

How does PRP treatment work?

PRP has become a highly sought-after procedure for its facial rejuvenation potential. Since the treatment uses the patient’s own blood platelets to promote new cell growth, there are no side effects whatsoever and it is also safe and effective on skin of colour. Clients can expect to see renewed skin texture, restoration of lost facial volume and a beaming complexion.

Depending on the number of areas which need to be treated on the face, a certain volume of blood is drawn from the patient – typically between 10 and 30ml. It is then placed in a centrifuge and spun for approximately 8-10 minutes.

Once the blood cells have been separated from the plasma and platelets, it is re-injected into the skin; this renews skin cells and collagen to rejuvenate the face.    

What does PRP treatment do?

PRP for the face stimulates the production of new cells and collagen, thereby giving patients improved complexion, richer skin texture and significantly better facial volume.

It can be used on the face but also on the neck and décolletage areas. PRP can also be used on body treatments and for  PRP hair and scalp stimulation

“PRP facial treatment is no longer the reserve of celebrities, it has become quite well known.

“The treatment is ideal for improving a range of concerns with skin of colour, as it boosts the body’s natural responses.

“It is a completely natural process that uses your own blood sample to rejuvenate and renew facial skin.

“Hyperpigmentation is not a concern – in fact, the condition tends to improve noticeably after PRP treatment.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


PRP facelifts start from £475. 

Treatment time

The treatment can be administered within 60 minutes.


There may be no recovery time needed at all; however, depending on your skin’s a recuperative ability and the treatment carried out, up to three days may be needed in some cases.


  • Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 6 hours
  • Avoid consuming blood thinners like Aspirin and NSAIDS for at least a few days
  • Standard painkillers may be taken if required to remedy minor discomfort
  • Do not rub or scrub the injection sites for 24 hours
  • Avoid exposure to heat for 24 hours – sun exposure, blow dryer, hot showers, steam room/sauna, vigorous exercise, etc.
  • Avoids facials and facial massages as well as any laser treatments for at least 2 weeks