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Visia 3D Skin Analysis

VISIA 3D Skin Analysis offers a unique insight into the condition of your skin.

This high-tec system analyses your complexion in detail by using a special camera and scanner which rotates to capture a full picture of your skin and facial anatomy. Then special software analyses the data to give a detailed report with images that reveal underlying issues. 

The process enables the doctor to recommend the most appropriate treatments and skincare regimes. It also records images and data for future comparison, so that progress can be measured over time. 

The output is a set of detailed images of your skin, facial anatomy and complexion; which you can discuss with the aesthetic physician together, identifying not just specific troublespots, but also the face as a whole. It provides a much more holistic view of facial ageing and aesthetics.

However, the VISIA system goes further than simple photography.  It also incorporates advanced software which helps to identify the key issues in a person’s skin, as well as projecting how they will age in the coming years and also illustrating how they could look 5-7 years younger.  

How does Visia 3D skin analysis work?

This video demonstrates Visia 3D skin analysis at Clinicbe®, London:

What does Visia 3D skin analysis highlight?

A Visia 3D complexion report will include a wide array of data and images, including:

  • Wrinkles, lines and creases
  • Effects of sun exposure and ageing
  • Skin elasticity
  • Spots, blemishes, acne bacteria, enlarged pores
  • Skin texture and tone
  • Sun spots, brown spots and pigmentation problems caused by UV damage
  • Red areas, inflammation, spider veins

“The Visia 3D sees what the human eye can’t and provides doctors and patients with a real understanding of what is influencing the appearance, health and ageing of the skin.

“With this information, we are able to give really accurate advice on skincare regimes and products to address the key concerns. We are also able to visualise the underlying facial anatomy and see how use of certain aesthetic treatments could rebalance facial features to enhance the natural beauty.” 

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts



Treatment time



N/a – Visia 3D is simply an assessment process. It is completely non-invasive.