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Hand Rejuvenation

One of the first giveaways of age is wrinkled and tired-looking hands. With time and age, especially given the fact that the hands can take a lot of abuse due to daily chores and such, the hands can lose their fine texture, making the skin thinner, prone to lines and scaly-looking.

In this anti-ageing day and age, it is fair to say that the hands may not be getting the attention they deserve, even with all the moisturisers, special cleansers and toners available in the general market.  

At times, restoring the beauty in your hands may often require a lot more than just a few generic products available over the counter.  

How does hand rejuvenation treatment work?

Professional hand rejuvenation involves a variety of treatments to completely rejuvenate the appearance of the hands, restoring a youthful and vibrant appearance.

Depending on your unique needs, hand rejuvenation can combine a variety of treatments:

  • Micro-needling to encourage better skin renewal
  • Dermal fillers to make the skin look plumper and fuller
  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to improve collagen formation and blood circulation
  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment to remedy thread veins and restore healthy skin texture
  • Mesotherapy to regenerate skin cells and nourish the epidermal layer
  • Chemical peels to counter the effects of sun damage and irregular pigmentation

What does hand rejuvenation treat?

Hand rejuvenation is ideal for treating loose and wrinkly skin, or skin that’s too dry, sensitive, has visible veins, or shows others signs of premature ageing.

Tthe treatment works really well for women whose hands look old and “tired”, particularly when compared to their facial skin.

“The hands receive a lot less care and attention than, say, the face. Yet given the harsh soaps and chemical compounds they can be exposed to during day-to-day cleaning, they have a tendency to age faster than facial skin or other areas of the body.

“Patients with skin of colour are more prone to getting loose and wrinkly skin as they age. While a moisturiser may provide a quick fix, to get more dramatic results, clients may consider consider personalised hand rejuvenation treatment based on their unique needs.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


Treatments start from £400 but may vary depending on your requirements. 

Treatment time

Hand rejuvenation treatments can be completed within the hour. 


Anywhere from 1-5 days may be required. 


  • Apply ice to encourage faster healing
  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible
  • Keep your hands clean using a mild cleaner or soap
  • Avoid household activities/chores for at least a week
  • Aftercare may vary according to the treatments administered – we will recommend specific tips during consultation