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BOTOX® Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

BOTOX® is considered the no.1 anti-wrinkle and even anti-ageing treatment in the world today.

Millions of people worldwide have taken advantage of its abilities to smooth out lines and wrinkles that age the skin. 

How do BOTOX® Injections work?

BOTOX® is injected straight into an area where fine dynamic facial muscles cause lines and wrinkles to appear. It works to relax those muscles by blocking certain nerve impulses which cause facial muscles to tense up or contract more than they should. The reduction in movement allows the skin to drape more softly.  

Since facial muscles no longer contract involuntarily, this relaxes and softens the appearance of wrinkles as well as creases on the face, which are usually most noticeable around the eyes, eyebrows and lips.

What do BOTOX® Injections treat?

BOTOX® is very popular among clients with skin of colour, as it effectively reduces frown lines and wrinkles around the face and neck. Skin of colour, especially darker skin, is more prone to creases, lines and wrinkles as the natural ageing process kicks in.

BOTOX® injections can not only treat wrinkles but also sculpt a higher and more youthful brow line. They can also be used for medical conditions including ‘lazy eye’ syndrome and uncontrollable blinking as well as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).  

“BOTOX® is a safe cosmetic procedure which has been used successfully to cure wrinkles for more than 15 years. No negative after-effects have been reported and it causes no pigmentation concerns.

“We’ve treated many women and men with non=Caucasian skin tones at our clinic with highly satisfactory results. If you’re looking for a quick, safe and natural way to look younger and refreshed, BOTOX® injections are a good option to consider.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


BOTOX® Wrinkle Relaxing Injections start from £275 per area.

Treatment time

The procedure itself takes no more than 15 minutes although a consultation will be carried out first. 


Expect some localised redness for around 4 hours, although this can be covered with makeup. The lack of significant side effects means that clients can resume daily activities straightaway.


Immediately following the procedure, you should avoid:

  • Laying down for the next 4 hours
  • Rigorous exercise
  • Smoking and drinking
  • NSAID painkillers
  • Rubbing/massaging your face
  • Hot tubs including hot baths or showers