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MiCool A Cryolipolysis

Despite following a strict diet and regular exercise routine, certain areas on the body continue to store stubborn fat that just won’t go away.

Luckily, these difficult-to-shed fat deposits can be reduced in a non-surgical way – MiCool A Cryolipolosis, also known as fat freezing, is a very effective way of contouring the body into shape. The procedure freezes excess fat while the body’s natural ability to safely excrete it does the rest.

How does MiCool A Cryolipolysis work?

Cryolipolisis refers to a controlled freezing procedure which freezes fat cells to the point that they die off – the body’s metabolism and waste excretion system expels this fat from the body naturally. Clinical studies have demonstrated that this non-surgical treatment has no effect whatsoever on the surrounding lean tissue, making it a safe and effective option.

What does MiCool A Cryolipolysis treat?

MiCool A fat freezing can be used to tone and “smooth out” a number of areas on the body including the back, love handle region, arms, thighs and abdomen. It is ideal for anyone who has unsuccessfully tried every trick in the book to shed stubborn fat from these areas.

“With cryolipolosis treatment, clients can expect to lose around 25% fat around problem areas like the arms, thighs, abdomen, love handles and buttocks.

“Combined with a balanced diet, you won’t have to worry about these stubborn sections of spare fat spoiling your shape.”

Dr Barbara Kubicka

Aesthetic Physician and Founder, Clinicbe Skin of Colour

Key Facts


MiCool A fat freezing treatments start at £325. 

Treatment time

It can take between 60 and 90 minutes to administer the treatment. 


Recovery may vary from patient to patient – a downtime of 1-7 days is common. 


  • If there is any itchiness or post-treatment discomfort, take a normal painkiller
  • Cold compresses can be used to treat swelling in treated areas 
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Observe a balanced diet and healthy/active lifestyle to maintain the results of treatment