Acnelan Skin Care
Acnelan is an intensive medical skin treatment which is ideally suited to acne-prone skin of colour.
It combines intensive clinical skin peeling with a daily home care programme, streamlined to each individual client.
How does Acnelan Skincare work?
Acnelan is a unique combination of specific active substances such as sodium lepargilate, salicylic acid, shikimic acid and mandelic acid. This innovative formula, also referred to as the m.acne complex™, provides a deep cleansing effect which renews acne-prone skin cells.
Acnelan is a potent way of removing impurities from the skin, cleansing blocked pores, improving skin texture and a number of other factors that can lead to or encourage acne production. It is a completely safe and practical dermo-cosmetic procedure for treating acne.
What does Acnelan Skincare treat?
Additionally, Acnelan can improve hyperpigmentation, as well as curbing the proliferation of bacteria and slowing down sebum production – two of the key culprits responsible for acne.
Acne symptoms can be effectively tackled with this unique combination of at-home and in-clinic treatments.
“By applying an in-clinic Acnelan mask in an easy and non-intrusive 3-step process, those with skin of colour will benefit from a deep cleansing and exfoliating effect of the treatment, which lends the skin a soft feel as well as improving acidity levels.
“Coupled with the right moisturiser and homecare skincare regimen, clients with colour skin should be able to worry a lot less about acne outbreaks.”
Key Facts
Acnelan mask/peel price £110. Skincare priced according to regime.
Treatment time
Acnelan mask treatment takes around 30 minutes. This is typically carried out in three sessions with 15-21 days apart between each session.
Generally, you can expect redness/peeling to last around 1-3 days after the Acnelan mask/peel treatment.
Aftercare – After Acnelan Mask/Peel
- Exposure to sun, including tanning beds, must be avoided for 2 days.
- Wait at least 7 days before getting tattoos or filler substances
- Avoid any skin treatment that involves retinoids.
- Avoid any kind of waxing, epilation or laser treatment for a minimum of 15 days
- Stay away from swimming pools, Jacuzzis and saunas for at least 2 days